September 21, 2011

Research Forum, Co-op, and Executive Meeting

On Thursday of this week there will be a Department Research Forum. Grad students and professors will be giving short presentations on some of their current research projects. It's a great way to learn about some possibilities for further academic studies in linguistics. I've attached a flier to this email, but the information is as follows:

Linguistics Department Research Forum
Thursday, September 22
11:30 am to 12:50 pm
David Strong Building C112

The deadline for humanities co-op applications is next Friday, September 30. If you think you may be interested in doing a co-op program you can visit the humanities co-op office in CLE D128. The application form can also be found online at

We will be holding an informal executive meeting on Friday, September 23 at 11:30 am in Vertigo in the SUB. We will be discussing our plans for the coming semester and forming some committees. Everyone is welcome, and if you have any suggestions or requests for programming please come share them with us. We're hoping to get as much input as possible into the course union this year.

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